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May 25, 2004 - BOS
Chichester Board of Selectmen
May 25, 2004   

PRESENT: Chairman Colbert, Selectman DeBold, Selectman MacCleery and Administrator Lisa Stevens

Chairman Colbert opened the meeting at 7:00pm.     

SUBJECT: Department Heads
PRESENT: Deputy Fire Chief Mike Paveglio, Building Inspector Dave Paveglio, and Police Lieutenant Bob Kitson

FD – The ladder is back in place under the window on the second story of the safety building.  The students have moved out for the summer months, they only stay during the school year.  The department will purchase notebooks to be placed in the vehicles so logs can be kept as to the usage of the vehicles.  The department is waiting for an additional fuel tank to be installed for the generator. Hook up cannot be finalized until the tank is installed.  The Town has been included in the fuel bid with the SAU.  Once that outcome has been determined, the Selectmen will know who the supplier of fuel will be, and then a tank can be purchased.

PD - The new cruiser is operational.  The Board recommended Mr. Kitson contact Scott Tepper regarding the space needs for the police department.  Mr. Tepper has a plan from a number of years ago allowing for an addition to the building.

BI - Mr. Paveglio has sent notices to the two applicants who have not picked up their permit for a new dwelling.  One applicant responded and one has not.  Once the deadline has passed, Mr. Paveglio will contact the first person on the waiting list.   Mr. Paveglio is gathering permit information from surrounding towns for the upcoming planning session.  

HWY – Mr. Kenneally arrived later in the evening.  He showed the Board the damaged piston that had to be replaced on the grader.  Mr. Kenneally discussed his findings of the recent inspection done on the upgrade to Back Road.  Mr. Kenneally saw the grubbing stage but he was not there when the gravel was put down.  The second level has already been put down.  Mr. Kenneally does not like how much there is in some places, nor does he like the quality of the gravel used.  It has a high silt content. Mr. Kenneally noted the following deficiencies; the road width is too narrow, the slopes aren’t right, the gravel is questionable and the stonewall has been knocked over.  The Board instructed Mr. Kenneally to contact Mr. McKay and discuss the condition of the road and review the agreement that was made between the Town and the McKay’s.

The damaged tree has been taken down on West Road.

Selectman MacCleery asked the road agent if he knew whether or not the Planning Board had delegated authority for issuing driveway permits to the road agent as per statute. Mr. Kenneally will check in the files at the highway shed and Lisa will inquire with the Planning Board.  

SUBJECT: Trust Funds
PRESENT: Andrea Deachman, Trustee; Gil Vien, Trustee and Carolee Davison, Former Trustee

The Selectmen asked the Trustees to update them on the status of the reports required to be filed with the State.  Currently they have not been submitted.  Ms. Deachman explained that there was a problem with the computer program and how the interest was being calculated and carried over. Ms. Deachman has contacted the State Department of Revenue for an extension.  MS. Davison has been helping her with the corrections.  The computer program is very cumbersome and discussion ensued around looking into what other towns are using to maybe change programs to one that is more user friendly. The years involved are 2001 to current.  Most of the trust funds and scholarships funds are all set.  The cemetery funds are still being worked on.  The Trustees and the Selectmen agreed to set a deadline for completion of June 11, 2004. Ms. Deachman will respond to the correspondence from the Attorney General’s Office.


There was general discussion on the policies for use of public buildings.

Selectman DeBold shared his draft on the proposed guidelines for Discretionary Preservation Easements.  The other Board members will review them and bring their comments to the table next week.  

The Hess Signage issue was tabled until next week.

The water sample from Carpenter Park stated the water was safe for drinking.  The Board agreed to have the water tested further for calcium chloride.  This well is still being considered a possible site to correct the problem of adequate drinking water supplied to the wells that are contaminated along Suncook Valley Road.

The Board would like to move forward with the research on the unknown properties.  Lisa is working on drafting a Request for Proposal to send out.  Three of the nine properties are not identified by map and lot.  These may not even exist as separate lots.  Motion Selectman MacCleery and seconded by Chairman Colbert to correctly identify them for research purposes or remove them from the tax roll.  All were in favor.

Goals for 2003 were prioritized- Guidelines for Discretionary Preservation Easements;  
Updating the Building/Driveway Permitting Process; A Standard Form/Calendar correlating to the new financial software for the Budget Process; Standardizing the Bidding Process. The first two are currently in process.

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Due to the failure of the safety inspection at 228 Horse Corner Road, the Selectmen directed Lisa to send a letter to the homeowner stating there would be no extensions and that the repairs must be made immediately.

State statutes pertaining to Chapter 677, Rehearing Procedures before the Board of Adjustment, Board of Appeals and the Local Legislative Body, were discussed.  A consensus of when the thirty day time frame for appeal began could not be reached. As directed by the Board, Lisa has inquired with the New Hampshire Municipal Association but has not yet received a reply.

The Board signed payroll, accounts payable and the 2003 yield taxes.

The minutes of May 18, 2004 were approved as corrected.  The word “been” was inserted on page two, line 30.  

Legal correspondence, mail and e-mail were reviewed.  

Being no further business, the Chairman adjourned the meeting at 10:00pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Lisa Stevens

Chairman Colbert

Richard DeBold

Stephen MacCleery

                                                        APPROVED AS WRITTEN

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